Monday, January 28, 2008

I am attending Texas A&M University of Commerce to receive my Masters in Library Technology/Media Science or School Library Science. My projected graduation date is December 2008. I already have my Bachelors of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies and a minor in Life-Earth Science from Texas A&M University of Commerce. I have taught Middle School Science for the last 7 years, but I am now the High School Librarian at Community High School. I have four children all under the age of 11 and I have been married 16 years, so time management is something I work really hard on. I have a Harley Sporster and love to go riding when I have the time (which isn't much lately). My family and I love sports and my kids play basketball, soccer, softball, football and my two littliest ones are in dance. Currently, my two oldest children are in basketball and I work on the youth basketball board.

Some of the classes that I am taking this semester are ETEC 524, ETEC 562, and LIS 512. These classes will help me with my future goal of getting my LTMS degree. I hope to learn different ways to use technology to enhance my curriculum. Databases, blogs, and web quests are all elements that can enhance my library as well as enhance curriculum for teachers. I hope to be able to use technology effectively so I can teach others to use it. Activities that are hands are more meaningful to me in the classroom. I need to see it and do it for it to stick into my head and make it effective.

My goals consist of getting my Masters in Library Technology Media Science and working in the educational system as a school librarian. I enjoy working with children and helping them find books that interest them. I went through High School never reading a book and didn’t want too. This was because I didn’t have anyone help me find books that I would enjoy; I didn’t think there were any out there. I hear this all the time from my students and I help them find books they like and they are well on their way to becoming life long readers. It is a great feeling. My son is dyslexic and this has opened my eyes to a whole new kind of reader. The key to Trevor reading is to find books that interest him without having words that are to difficult for him to understand. He also needs books with bigger font. Really small font makes it harder for him to read. My experiences make me a better Librarian and a better educator.

My second goal in education is to become an administrator. This is a goal that I will pursue when my children get a little older. Education profession takes a lot of time away from your family, but even more so if you are an administrator. So until my children and can be more self sufficient I will wait to pursue this goal.

In all I can’t see my life not consisting of a career in education somewhere. I love working with kids and seeing their faces light up when they finally get that challenging concept. I also love seeing their faces when they have read a book I recommended and are demanding the next book in the series. There isn’t anything more satisfying in life than seeing a child learn, smile, and watching their mind open up.

The definition to educational/instructional technology is using technology in education to enhance curriculum. This can be the use of computers, projectors, software, or simple things like audio and video technology. Some technology skills that I would like to develop more is the use of Blogs, Web Quests, Smartboards, using databases to its fullest potential, and web page designing. I want to learn these skills so that I can share these skills with my co-workers. We are here to help the kids learn and sometimes learning from each other comes first. I also want to be able to use these skills in the library to integrate technology, curriculum, media and research into library lessons. These skills will be used to enhance curriculum not teach curriculum. I can make simple power points and web pages that I can share the basic idea with classmates.

Educational Technology Philosophy:

I see technology as an enhancement to curriculum and not the teacher. Technology should be used in the classroom as ways to enhance lessons and make learning easier to understand. Technology can be used in the school and classroom as administrative tools as well. Grade books, attendance and lesson plans are ways technology can improve administrative roles and make them more efficient. Technology does not have to only include computers. For example, video, audio, and overheads are examples of technology that enhance curriculum in the class or teacher training.

I think that training is very important for teachers as well as students. Teachers and students can not use technology to enhance a lesson if they do not know how to use it. Training should be done at the beginning of the year, middle of the year and anytime that training is needed. Educators should include many methods of teaching to make it possible for all students to learn and understand. Technology can be a method that will help some learners while writing may be another method to help learners. Educators have to learn to recognize different learning styles and methods that individual students need to learn and comprehend objectives.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”. William Butler Yeats
"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry B. Adams

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